Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Portfolio Guiding Questions

My favorite piece of my portfolio is the L.A. Times assignments. They caught my attention the most. They were the most informative and I learned a lot about what has been going on in Los Angeles. I think it says that I enjoy being informed about what goes on in our world. Looking at pieces of my written work compared to the moat recent works, I have noticed a huge improvement. I began to write more and was able to create my own style and sense of writing. I have always enjoyed writing but I also have noticed that I’ve began to write a lot more.
In my descriptive essay compared to my EPT essay final, there is a huge improvement in the way I put all of my ideas together. I remember when writing these assignments my ideas came out more clear and interesting to read. In my final essay, I had a difficult time writing the MLA format. However, after asking for help I figured it out. Come areas I’d like to improve in is my vocabulary, because I believe that it helps writing sound more interesting and formal.
            My greater strength indicated by my work is probably the way I am able to put my ideas together. Throughout my time, I have increased my ability to do this. I think I am a stronger writer than presenter, and opening up my vocabulary would help me become a better writer. Yes, my academic interests and goals have shifted since the beginning of the year. I have opened myself to different ideas, and I have got my plans together. I now have figured out what I wish to accomplish when high school is over. I only have a few modifications to make to my plans to bring them all together. Not much of my work has been a result of collaboration. Many graphic organizers and peer commentary have been results of working with other students. It was interesting to work with other students and see their capabilities. I learned about myself that it is easier for me to work alone. I am able to finish my work and be accomplished.
            I believe that the completion of my work has brought me closer both to my graduation goals, and college goals in many ways. It has brought me closer to graduation as I have done more work throughout the time spent here. I think about how my work has improved and gotten me to the grade that I have. It has brought me closer to college goals because I know I will be challenged the same way I was in this class or more. Many of my works from my portfolio are interesting, but the one part that I didn’t enjoy much was presenting work. However, I have learned that in order to have a successful learning experience, presenting is part of it.

            The highlight of my learning experiences has been the great amount of things that I learned through L.A. Times and the films that our class has presented. It has been very interesting and informative year, which has taught me many things. I feel like I am ready to conquer my future years of school. I was challenged but I accomplished many assignments with much effort. I believe that this shows in my portfolio and I am proud to have put it all together.

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