Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Autobiographical Essay

            Throughout my life, education has always been my top priority.. or my father's. As a child, I moved around and in between schools which made me very unstable. My grandmother, my father, my siblings, now I realize, always knew what is best for me. Growing up I never appreciated their constant pushing, I only hoped to push them away. Now at 16 I am greatly proud of being aware that education is always a top priority. I am the one constantly pushing my younger sibling to do well in school. I don't find it surprising as she sasses me while I give her advice because it reminds me of when I was that age.
            For as long as I could remember, I've always seemed to save things for last minute. As much as I wish to begin working on something, I wait on it. I still struggle with this problem but I realize that in order to be successful in life, prioritizing is a necessity, My father has always been a hardworking man and I hope to become as hardworking as he is. What I have learned about myself is tat I notice shortcuts and always rush t take the,. However, In the long run, it is always best to take the regular path which has much more details worth of learning.
            Now that I am older, I see others who have impressive vocabulary, and just loads of amazing talents. I have always enjoyed writing but I seem to never be satisfied with anything that I write. What I've accomplished to do is read as many books as possible. Falling into the world of books has been an incredible thing for me. As I read, non fiction or fiction I create this image of myself with every single characteristic as the characters. I begin to feel as if I am experiencing everything that the characters in the books are. I have also developed a great interest in psychology in which I can not seem to get rid of. Disregarding my interest in writing and psychology, I also sometimes think of myself as a very artistic person. I begin to encourage myself to maybe look into any art fields. I don't believe psychology may be in favor of me expressing a more artistic side. Yet, on the other side, In writing I am able to write as freely as I wish.
             When I set my mind back on high school, I always seem to just skip it and look ahead. Many students in high school believe that this is our time to have fun but that should not be a first priority. I realize that my hopes and dreams may not ever come true but having them is what counts. It is what helps motivate me to keep going.

EPT Test

          Humans have the tendency to fit in. The very fact that loneliness for a human is very dreadful gives a reason to why humans tends to believe "Everyone is getting the new Iphone 6 so I should probably have it as well." This human tendency is he very reason to why large corporations choose to take advantage of it, using it for advertisements. People have always looked up to celebrities and why not take this advantage? It's a win-win situation. The people in the entertainment industry all work together. Money guides the way for them. But what about us? Those of lower income? It is very unfair to us and does not benefit us in any positive way.
          We see those advertisements everywhere. On our TVs, magazines, and the internet. Our woulds revolves around this technology. On TV, there are commercials showing the clear and refreshing face of a celebrity. Many people are easily convinced and immediately purchase that item. "Vanessa Hudgens uses Clean and Clear and has a beautiful face so it will make mine the same!" Magazines show rumors or indirect ads that people never realize what they are really trying to do. Angelina Jolie has adopted many children which might encourage people to adopt children. All over the internet, there are ads which brainwash us completely. "Bey-once wears Michael Korrs and looks fabulous! Check out our sale!" We humans tend to be very gullible in a way. Our behavior is shaped  by these cultural and social influences that do not help us grow as the successful, intelligent nation we hope to become.
           Our world is greatly influenced by music. A trending genre in our culture is rap. This rap music is not very intelligent, it involves lots of drug language that does not benefit us teens who are gullible to anything. We aren't influenced to make a change in the world or what we want for us in the future. This music and their fans all over the internet look up to Miley Cyrus began as an innocent girl who was known as Hannah Montana with many inspirational lyrics. For example, "Nobody's Perfect" was a song of hers which influenced  children to be proud of who they are because nobody is perfect. Miley Cyrus has now been influenced by this rap culture which has effected her behavior. Our culture now considers this acceptable behavior.
         We have lost the ability to think for our selves. We give into peer pressure and the entertainment industry takes advantage of it. We need to wake up and look up away from this negative influences that completely blind us. They trick us into buying all this new technology and items which are unnecessary and over priced. It's time to stand up for our freedom. We should abolish this brain control.

“What is an American?

           “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” John F Kennedy. In America, there is a great diversity of people and their cultures. Many believe that the government will make every right and necessary decision. They trust them to do so. However, without any people speaking up for what they agree with or disagree with, the government will believe that every decision they make is right and fair. In our generation now, less than 50% of people vote for lesser value candidates but more than 60% vote on presidential elections. Many people do not realize that these less valued people still make an effect in our world. Our generation is controlled by technology and everything we think and do is influenced by others and things that we see on mainstream media.  I rarely see commercials that encourage people to vote, especially the younger generations.  This shows that no one is aware of the important things. The America we have become is not the America we should be proud of. Our life's revolve around cellphones, TV, music. When coming to America living a life revolving around technology is very likely. 
           We hope to be an outstanding country. People from all over the world come to America. They come hoping to live and live the "American Dream." In my opinion, the Americans living here are so dependent of technology but do not pay any attention to real problems going on in the world. Yet, they believe they can make good and clever decisions. America was not meant to be this way. An American has love for their country and they long to live the "American Dream", they long for success of their country. In the early history of American there was World War 1, against the British. During this war, the Americans longed for their independence and freedom from the control of the British. They would fight and even die for their country's freedom. When America was free and has gained back their territory from them, there was an increased nationalism. These people were proud of their country. They longed for their independence and they received it. Now, in American, we don't pay attention to the real world. We're locked inside this "machine", living a viral life. "Did you hear about the Ebola virus? I heard about it on twitter." is what I hear kids around me say. They learn information from the internet and are so easily convinced. An American is a person who is aware and proud of their country. An American does not ask what their country can do for them, they ask what they can do for their country.