Wednesday, November 5, 2014

EPT Test

          Humans have the tendency to fit in. The very fact that loneliness for a human is very dreadful gives a reason to why humans tends to believe "Everyone is getting the new Iphone 6 so I should probably have it as well." This human tendency is he very reason to why large corporations choose to take advantage of it, using it for advertisements. People have always looked up to celebrities and why not take this advantage? It's a win-win situation. The people in the entertainment industry all work together. Money guides the way for them. But what about us? Those of lower income? It is very unfair to us and does not benefit us in any positive way.
          We see those advertisements everywhere. On our TVs, magazines, and the internet. Our woulds revolves around this technology. On TV, there are commercials showing the clear and refreshing face of a celebrity. Many people are easily convinced and immediately purchase that item. "Vanessa Hudgens uses Clean and Clear and has a beautiful face so it will make mine the same!" Magazines show rumors or indirect ads that people never realize what they are really trying to do. Angelina Jolie has adopted many children which might encourage people to adopt children. All over the internet, there are ads which brainwash us completely. "Bey-once wears Michael Korrs and looks fabulous! Check out our sale!" We humans tend to be very gullible in a way. Our behavior is shaped  by these cultural and social influences that do not help us grow as the successful, intelligent nation we hope to become.
           Our world is greatly influenced by music. A trending genre in our culture is rap. This rap music is not very intelligent, it involves lots of drug language that does not benefit us teens who are gullible to anything. We aren't influenced to make a change in the world or what we want for us in the future. This music and their fans all over the internet look up to Miley Cyrus began as an innocent girl who was known as Hannah Montana with many inspirational lyrics. For example, "Nobody's Perfect" was a song of hers which influenced  children to be proud of who they are because nobody is perfect. Miley Cyrus has now been influenced by this rap culture which has effected her behavior. Our culture now considers this acceptable behavior.
         We have lost the ability to think for our selves. We give into peer pressure and the entertainment industry takes advantage of it. We need to wake up and look up away from this negative influences that completely blind us. They trick us into buying all this new technology and items which are unnecessary and over priced. It's time to stand up for our freedom. We should abolish this brain control.

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