Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Descriptive essay

         Winter break seemed to be the longest break since Summer. However I did not do as much as i did during the summer. Most of my break I stayed home and watched television. Sometimes I felt as if I was wasting an enormous amount of time doing nothing at all. The only days I actually went out and did something was on New Years eve but even staying home on Christmas eve was a much happier experience for me.
       On Christmas eve; I was awakened by the annoying sound of my cat and dog chasing each other around the room. I heard every step. As I tiredly tried to get my eyes to open and actually get off my bed, my friend Sidney, who always seems to be in a hyper active and jolly mood jumps on me. Her knees puncture my thigh. "Good morning! It's already 10:30 am!" As much as I enjoy Sidney's company I was not in the mood for a human alarm clock. I reached over to my nightstand and on the left side to look for my phone, which I could not seem to find. I decided to get off my bed and I felt as if I was glued to the silky purple sheets. I headed out of my room and made a left into the living room to the bathroom. From the small creak at the bottom of the bathroom door, I hear something drop. A glass object hit the tile flooring in the kitchen. I didn't seem to think of it as anything but Sidney accidentally dropping a plastic cup. As I slowly opened the door, I hear Sidney screech. She ran towards me pleading and pleading, "I'm so sorry!" I was completely caught by surprise at what she had showed me. My phone's screen was cracked into pieces and I did not know how to react. A lot of mixed feelings rushed into me. I only knew to say it was OK and walked into my room. I hear Sidney's footsteps trail behind me. I can tell by the way she was dragging her feet she must have felt very bad for what had happened. I later apologized to Sidney and told her that I should have not reacted that way and had just assured her that it can be fixed.
      This occurrence during my winter break may not seemed as a big deal but it made me realized how difficult  I can be on her sometimes. She is a very friendly girl who is very generous and genuine. She always has a big smile on her face showing off her crystal-like teeth. For quite a long time Sidney was staying at my house where she was welcome and loved by me and my family. Until this happened I did not realize how much I learned from her and how much of a better person I have became with her in my life.


  1. Nice story. Sorry to hear about your phone. Tell your friend to be more careful in the future.

  2. I liked the story of how you cracked your phone that day it was really funny and very descriptive.

  3. what the heck you should of hung out with friends!!!!
