Friday, February 20, 2015

Nuclear Power

             What is the cause of global warming? The question is all around. However, no one really knows the answer to this. Coal is the major source of energy at the moment. Being at 46.61%, almost half of our energy comes from coal. After some research, coal is one of the most dangerous sources of energy. Many people don't realize this or try to educate themselves. Coal is easily available to us but it is not a very wise choice. What are other choices?
              Nuclear power has lately been on of the most controversial arguments when it comes to finding a healthier source of energy. The question in everyone's mind is, "What will keep us alive?" This may be one of the most asked questions. Compared to coal and gas, nuclear power is much more expensive. However, wouldn't it be a wise choice to spend more money on something that will benefit us rather than spend less on something that will kill us. According to "The Truth about Nuclear Power" by Veronique de Rugy, "Nuclear power is not only expensive but also risky." It also states, "The bottom line is that more nuclear power would mean, less coal, less natural gas, less hydroelectric power, and less wind energy. But more nuclear power won't mean less oil."( The argument against this is that even if nuclear power will use more oil, there is a great oil foundation on the United States.
            The risk about nuclear power is the radiation that can be exposed to millions of Americans. "During the operation of nuclear power plants, radio active waste is produced, which it turn can be used for the production of nuclear weapons."( A little accident may affect many of us. One wrong move can be a huge deal. The risk taken can risk many lives. A great plan will involve testing out these theories. Before we are able to release this major source of energy we should do everything to make sure things go right. For years we have relied on other sources of energy and it is time for a new, more healthy energy source. Since this source will be more available, it is more likely for nuclear weapons to be produced, bringing more danger to the U.S.
           "A high amount of energy is kept in only one single power plant." ( This proves that not many plants would be needed to be built to create enough energy. Many people are definitely aware of nuclear power benefits. However, it is safety that people are worries about. As long as we are able to create something that will dispose of nuclear waste safely we will be able to use nuclear power as a source of energy. Advanced technology will be responsible for this. Any type of new idea will have is troubles and risks. It is up to us to ensure this source. It takes lots of careful planning for emergencies that should be taken seriously. "This technology is readily available, it does not have to be developed first." (
          The main reason why nuclear power is looked at as very disturbing, is the incident that happened in the Fukushima plant. When this happened, Americans were advised to stay 50 miles away from the plant.  In "Pros and Cons" by Washington Times, "Nuclear power energy provides large amounts of power at very low risk compared to the real alternatives of burning gas, oil, and coal." Since this is a known fact and we have experienced many nuclear disasters, it should not be an avoided energy source. We should use these disasters to learn from them. We should not give up the possibilities of nuclear power, which according to Washington Times has the lowest economic cost and most environmental hazard.
       All in all, nuclear power should still be considered to be a safer and cleaner source of energy. The only thing that is limiting us from doing so is the nuclear waste. If we are to find a safe way to dispose of this waste than nuclear power shall become our major source of energy. Nuclear energy  will be a very beneficial source. It will replace coal, and burning of fossil duels that cause tons of pollution that is endangering many Americans. However, nuclear energy will not be very wise or long term. "Nuclear energy uses Uranium as fuel, which is a scarce resource. The supply of Uranium is only expected to last only for the next 30 to 60 years." ( Nuclear energy is not a renewable energy which means it won't last very long. Nuclear energy may not be a wise permanent choice but it can work temporarily.

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