Tuesday, May 26, 2015

L.A Narrative Final

      Ever since I can remember I have lived in Los Angeles. From Downtown L.A to West Hollywood and even down to South Central. The smells and sights vary thoughout the cities. Food, dirt, homeless, rainy days. Rainy days in L.A are rare but the smell is horrendous. Just like rainy days, earthquakes are very rare here.
      In 2009, I lived on Downtown L.A. I didn't enjoy living there at such a young age. When I look back, I remember the beautiful views from our window that overlooks Pershing Square, the metro station right below. From the 9th floor it all looked amazing. From the very top of the building where the pool is was spectacular. My father had rented this loft, which was only a huge studio space. As an architect he had already planned to design the place. It was my sister, my father, and me. Over a matter of time, he built each of our rooms in the perfect way that fit all of us.
     One Saturday morning, I woke up earlier than usual. As a young child of 11 years, I always hoped to use the Mac Laptop we owned. My room was two-stories, thanks to the loft's high ceilings. I stepped down the latter and walked down, pass the kitchen, into my fathers room. I looked around. His desk, his closet, but i could not seem to find the laptop. I walked out of his room and stepped up onto the platform where the living rooms is. As I look out the window I see people walking, crossing streets, and sitting at the park. I get up and I lay on the leather couch. It wasn't that comfortable but it was decent. Suddenly, I feel the building sway, from side to side. I immediately stand on my two feet. I was in shock because I had no idea about what was going on. As I stand there, my sister runs out of her room. I hear her say "What was that?!" "Why were you shaking my bed?" It was an earthquake. I have never felt an earthquake and I didn't know how to react. Especially in a tall building like the one we lived in. My sister and I looked out the window and we saw crowds of people at the park. We figure that when earthquakes happen here, it is mandatory to get out of the building as soon as possible.
     As we went down the stairs, we noticed there was not many people going down anymore, we were a little late. But of course, there's all types of people that live in our building. It is a very diverse crowd. There was people with their pets and people without shoes. As we are crossing the street to the park this man in his late 20's was asking people if they wanted to buy drugs. Only in L.A. people are still out there trying to hustle their way through life. Especially, during a natural disaster. The smell of grass and dog poo over comes my nostrils as we step up the steps into the park. We walked around wondering what to do until we noticed the park slowly have less people as they walked back to their homes. We saw all kinds of people. In their pj's, work clothes and uniform, even half ready for the day. In Los Angeles, there is always something going on. It is interesting to experience how a crowd of people react in the case of a natural disaster.
    Earthquakes are rare in L.A. This was the first one I ever experienced living in a loft or anywhere. I can say it is one of the scariest things. The building doesn't just shake, It sways from side to side as if its about to tumble down. Los Angeles is my home and every time I think of Downtown L.A. it reminds me of that day.  It is the only place where you can buy drugs right after an earthquake, which is very amusing to me. As much as I admire L.A. I wish to travel to other destinations and come back and love it more than ever.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Portfolio Guiding Questions

My favorite piece of my portfolio is the L.A. Times assignments. They caught my attention the most. They were the most informative and I learned a lot about what has been going on in Los Angeles. I think it says that I enjoy being informed about what goes on in our world. Looking at pieces of my written work compared to the moat recent works, I have noticed a huge improvement. I began to write more and was able to create my own style and sense of writing. I have always enjoyed writing but I also have noticed that I’ve began to write a lot more.
In my descriptive essay compared to my EPT essay final, there is a huge improvement in the way I put all of my ideas together. I remember when writing these assignments my ideas came out more clear and interesting to read. In my final essay, I had a difficult time writing the MLA format. However, after asking for help I figured it out. Come areas I’d like to improve in is my vocabulary, because I believe that it helps writing sound more interesting and formal.
            My greater strength indicated by my work is probably the way I am able to put my ideas together. Throughout my time, I have increased my ability to do this. I think I am a stronger writer than presenter, and opening up my vocabulary would help me become a better writer. Yes, my academic interests and goals have shifted since the beginning of the year. I have opened myself to different ideas, and I have got my plans together. I now have figured out what I wish to accomplish when high school is over. I only have a few modifications to make to my plans to bring them all together. Not much of my work has been a result of collaboration. Many graphic organizers and peer commentary have been results of working with other students. It was interesting to work with other students and see their capabilities. I learned about myself that it is easier for me to work alone. I am able to finish my work and be accomplished.
            I believe that the completion of my work has brought me closer both to my graduation goals, and college goals in many ways. It has brought me closer to graduation as I have done more work throughout the time spent here. I think about how my work has improved and gotten me to the grade that I have. It has brought me closer to college goals because I know I will be challenged the same way I was in this class or more. Many of my works from my portfolio are interesting, but the one part that I didn’t enjoy much was presenting work. However, I have learned that in order to have a successful learning experience, presenting is part of it.

            The highlight of my learning experiences has been the great amount of things that I learned through L.A. Times and the films that our class has presented. It has been very interesting and informative year, which has taught me many things. I feel like I am ready to conquer my future years of school. I was challenged but I accomplished many assignments with much effort. I believe that this shows in my portfolio and I am proud to have put it all together.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Found Poem


The screams tore us to shreds.
"Look at the fire! Flames everywhere!"
An abyss was opening  beneath our bodies
Night. sobs. screams. madness.
Day. silence. isolation.
"Fire I can see a fire! I can see a fire!"
Madness took our possession.
Barbed wire. Fire.
"It was as though madness were taking possession of us all"
Silence again.
"But there was nothing outside, save the darkness of the night"
Flames. Burning flesh.


The solar system is bigger than us.
Stars, planets, galaxies
What's all the fuss
about adam and eve
We weren't the first here
Our knowledge is greatly poor
This host star is way too far
The mystery remains
"75% massive as our sun, small, and cool.
The possibility of life may be true
but one who doesn't consider
must be a fool.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Nuclear Power

             What is the cause of global warming? The question is all around. However, no one really knows the answer to this. Coal is the major source of energy at the moment. Being at 46.61%, almost half of our energy comes from coal. After some research, coal is one of the most dangerous sources of energy. Many people don't realize this or try to educate themselves. Coal is easily available to us but it is not a very wise choice. What are other choices?
              Nuclear power has lately been on of the most controversial arguments when it comes to finding a healthier source of energy. The question in everyone's mind is, "What will keep us alive?" This may be one of the most asked questions. Compared to coal and gas, nuclear power is much more expensive. However, wouldn't it be a wise choice to spend more money on something that will benefit us rather than spend less on something that will kill us. According to "The Truth about Nuclear Power" by Veronique de Rugy, "Nuclear power is not only expensive but also risky." It also states, "The bottom line is that more nuclear power would mean, less coal, less natural gas, less hydroelectric power, and less wind energy. But more nuclear power won't mean less oil."(reason.com). The argument against this is that even if nuclear power will use more oil, there is a great oil foundation on the United States.
            The risk about nuclear power is the radiation that can be exposed to millions of Americans. "During the operation of nuclear power plants, radio active waste is produced, which it turn can be used for the production of nuclear weapons."(timeforchange.org). A little accident may affect many of us. One wrong move can be a huge deal. The risk taken can risk many lives. A great plan will involve testing out these theories. Before we are able to release this major source of energy we should do everything to make sure things go right. For years we have relied on other sources of energy and it is time for a new, more healthy energy source. Since this source will be more available, it is more likely for nuclear weapons to be produced, bringing more danger to the U.S.
           "A high amount of energy is kept in only one single power plant." (timeforchange.org). This proves that not many plants would be needed to be built to create enough energy. Many people are definitely aware of nuclear power benefits. However, it is safety that people are worries about. As long as we are able to create something that will dispose of nuclear waste safely we will be able to use nuclear power as a source of energy. Advanced technology will be responsible for this. Any type of new idea will have is troubles and risks. It is up to us to ensure this source. It takes lots of careful planning for emergencies that should be taken seriously. "This technology is readily available, it does not have to be developed first." (timeforchange.org).
          The main reason why nuclear power is looked at as very disturbing, is the incident that happened in the Fukushima plant. When this happened, Americans were advised to stay 50 miles away from the plant.  In "Pros and Cons" by Washington Times, "Nuclear power energy provides large amounts of power at very low risk compared to the real alternatives of burning gas, oil, and coal." Since this is a known fact and we have experienced many nuclear disasters, it should not be an avoided energy source. We should use these disasters to learn from them. We should not give up the possibilities of nuclear power, which according to Washington Times has the lowest economic cost and most environmental hazard.
       All in all, nuclear power should still be considered to be a safer and cleaner source of energy. The only thing that is limiting us from doing so is the nuclear waste. If we are to find a safe way to dispose of this waste than nuclear power shall become our major source of energy. Nuclear energy  will be a very beneficial source. It will replace coal, and burning of fossil duels that cause tons of pollution that is endangering many Americans. However, nuclear energy will not be very wise or long term. "Nuclear energy uses Uranium as fuel, which is a scarce resource. The supply of Uranium is only expected to last only for the next 30 to 60 years." (timeforchange.org). Nuclear energy is not a renewable energy which means it won't last very long. Nuclear energy may not be a wise permanent choice but it can work temporarily.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Descriptive essay

         Winter break seemed to be the longest break since Summer. However I did not do as much as i did during the summer. Most of my break I stayed home and watched television. Sometimes I felt as if I was wasting an enormous amount of time doing nothing at all. The only days I actually went out and did something was on New Years eve but even staying home on Christmas eve was a much happier experience for me.
       On Christmas eve; I was awakened by the annoying sound of my cat and dog chasing each other around the room. I heard every step. As I tiredly tried to get my eyes to open and actually get off my bed, my friend Sidney, who always seems to be in a hyper active and jolly mood jumps on me. Her knees puncture my thigh. "Good morning! It's already 10:30 am!" As much as I enjoy Sidney's company I was not in the mood for a human alarm clock. I reached over to my nightstand and on the left side to look for my phone, which I could not seem to find. I decided to get off my bed and I felt as if I was glued to the silky purple sheets. I headed out of my room and made a left into the living room to the bathroom. From the small creak at the bottom of the bathroom door, I hear something drop. A glass object hit the tile flooring in the kitchen. I didn't seem to think of it as anything but Sidney accidentally dropping a plastic cup. As I slowly opened the door, I hear Sidney screech. She ran towards me pleading and pleading, "I'm so sorry!" I was completely caught by surprise at what she had showed me. My phone's screen was cracked into pieces and I did not know how to react. A lot of mixed feelings rushed into me. I only knew to say it was OK and walked into my room. I hear Sidney's footsteps trail behind me. I can tell by the way she was dragging her feet she must have felt very bad for what had happened. I later apologized to Sidney and told her that I should have not reacted that way and had just assured her that it can be fixed.
      This occurrence during my winter break may not seemed as a big deal but it made me realized how difficult  I can be on her sometimes. She is a very friendly girl who is very generous and genuine. She always has a big smile on her face showing off her crystal-like teeth. For quite a long time Sidney was staying at my house where she was welcome and loved by me and my family. Until this happened I did not realize how much I learned from her and how much of a better person I have became with her in my life.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


      For many students of this generation, social websites are places where they can socialize privately and never expect to be observed by those of authority. According to, "What You Say Online Could Haunt You, Schools , Employers Scrutinize Social Websites such as MySpace and Facebook." By Janet Kornblum and Mary Beth Marklein, these students do not realize that to adults these communities are brought together by kids who are ignorant to the fact that they put their reputations, future, and safety at risk. Living in a virtual world creates a sense of equality, free from prejudice, and physical limitations for these students because it is a community filled with the same type of people with similar needs. They support each other and the activities they do and post about. Many may just pretend to be "under the influence", but this is only because of their community, the online world, where such things are accepted and considered "cool". 
"College student Michael Guinn thought the photos of himself dresses in drag would be seen only by friends. However, he made a big mistake. And when someone showed the photos on Facebook to administators at John Brown University, a christian college in Siloam Springs, Ark., It was "the last straw" for them" says Guinn, who was 22 and gay. In this situation Michael Guinn believed that his actions online in his virtual and personal life would not affect his future or reputation in other christian schools but he was incorrect. Guinn knew that his school conduct codes clearly state, "Affirm and honor scripture" but he would have never thought this would get outside his online page. His online page gave him a sense of equality and provided a a place where he can be confident in stating that he is gay without any limitations as the ones in the university he attended. 
          In " What You Say Online Could Haunt You, Schools , Employers Scrutinize Social Websites such as MySpace and Facebook.", Hudson says that students receive a "broad freedom" to express themselves on the internet. This is completely agreeable and it is the exact reason to why students feel free to post things without thinking of the consequences. It is surprising that many students do not realize that as a minor the online world has the same consequences as the real world. There are stronger boundaries by authority on these websites. Younger generations are surprised to know that authorities check up on these websites and these young people claim that the authorities do not have the right to do so. 
       In "Who Am We" by Sherry Turkle she tells that people don't understand the true intentions of technology and take advantage of it. Technology should be used as a tool for creating greater products. Now, in this time, it is used for social popularity, and risks one's own future and reputation. The community that internet now creates is very selfish and ignorant environment. Many are focused on how many friends they have or the answers to the test. Instead of looking up answers or worrying about how many likes you have, technology should be a tool for research, just as books are and other reliable sources. Sherry Turkle states that these days it is easy for people to mistakenly mix their real and virtual lives. These people should be advised that the internet and books are essential just as pen and paper is when writing a paper. 
      In order to help people become aware of this we shouldn't make social websites such a big deal. It is a great way to communicate and meet people, but people spend most of their time there. It is a normal human characteristic to desire companionship. New Yorker magazine cartoon says, " I cant wait to see what you're like online. In the cartoon it shows a man and a woman walking on the beach holding hands and the caption reads, " I cant wait to see what you're like online". This tells a lot about our generation and is there to make a "joke" and be sarcastic about online lives, and real life. People are different in person then they are online. They may be their "ideal" self on the internet and it doesn’t match up at all with their real selves, But it may. However, many misunderstand that not only can you create the same online life in real life. The thing about this generation is that it is run by technology and social media. As time goes by more and more people have been caught into this world of technology. There are advertisements encouraging young people to introduce the internet to their grandparents. In the advertisements it states that grandparents feel out of place and as if they have lost communication with their family who run on technology. It is a horrible thing that our world has come to this. The technology is some what taken advantage of. People should have goals aimed for real world accomplishments. This will make people satisfied physically, emotionally, and mentally. 
People believe most things that are on the internet if they are not smart about it. You here " Oh, I read about this on the internet" very frequently but if you question someone about it and ask for evidence about what they are saying they get stuck because they did not make enough research before they went out and told everyone something new they thought they had learned. People who are online both are being benefited and are being taken from the real world. All the time that people spend online maybe productive and they are expanding their minds by searching the web but they are also being taken away from real life companionship they would receive outside the computer. How much is too much? When should you put a limit to children's technology and online use? What is the limit that you do not dare pass when posting things online? 
Parents forget that staring at the screen can dumb you down and especially young children. Many take it as the easy way out to keep their children quiet and calm. Children should be playing sports or instruments, and spending time outside not downloading video game apps and music apps. As children get older and are now required to write research papers and do more advanced work it is now almost a mandatory thing to do. Many teachers demand printed out and typed essays. They usually do not encourage going to the library to do research through books. We have entered a new generation. This generated has created a social norm of running on technology. It is normal for this in our world but what should be controlled is the time spent and the freedom of social media. It is okay for people to speak their mind online and post as they wish but should they be reminded that at some point they might humiliate themselves. Especially younger children on social websites who are not very smart about things they do and make very impulsive decisions. Spreading the word out about this may make a change but maybe our world is already too brainwashed by all this media that they don't even think about it anymore. 
Share the limits on online and technology usage. Know when its time to put the phone, computer, or t.v down, Or when you may be risking your future on posts you make. What you say online may really haunt you for the rest of your life. Even if you believe it has been deleted you may be mistaken. The online world is full of people who are "bored" and looking for a little stimulation. Do you know who's really on that other side of the screen?"  It maybe be a family member, principle  or your boss. Use technology as a tool to make yourself a smarter person without dumbing yourself down or others. We would all be a smarter people if everyone began to use technology as a tool. Not only for research but it may be for making new friends, or creating new ideas. People should just learn their limits and work together to share that with eachother. As Michael Guinn learned from his mistakes, everyone should learn from him about being careful about what is being posted online because you never know who may be watching. A small post of a few words may ruin their reputations, future, and put their safety at risk.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Autobiographical Essay

            Throughout my life, education has always been my top priority.. or my father's. As a child, I moved around and in between schools which made me very unstable. My grandmother, my father, my siblings, now I realize, always knew what is best for me. Growing up I never appreciated their constant pushing, I only hoped to push them away. Now at 16 I am greatly proud of being aware that education is always a top priority. I am the one constantly pushing my younger sibling to do well in school. I don't find it surprising as she sasses me while I give her advice because it reminds me of when I was that age.
            For as long as I could remember, I've always seemed to save things for last minute. As much as I wish to begin working on something, I wait on it. I still struggle with this problem but I realize that in order to be successful in life, prioritizing is a necessity, My father has always been a hardworking man and I hope to become as hardworking as he is. What I have learned about myself is tat I notice shortcuts and always rush t take the,. However, In the long run, it is always best to take the regular path which has much more details worth of learning.
            Now that I am older, I see others who have impressive vocabulary, and just loads of amazing talents. I have always enjoyed writing but I seem to never be satisfied with anything that I write. What I've accomplished to do is read as many books as possible. Falling into the world of books has been an incredible thing for me. As I read, non fiction or fiction I create this image of myself with every single characteristic as the characters. I begin to feel as if I am experiencing everything that the characters in the books are. I have also developed a great interest in psychology in which I can not seem to get rid of. Disregarding my interest in writing and psychology, I also sometimes think of myself as a very artistic person. I begin to encourage myself to maybe look into any art fields. I don't believe psychology may be in favor of me expressing a more artistic side. Yet, on the other side, In writing I am able to write as freely as I wish.
             When I set my mind back on high school, I always seem to just skip it and look ahead. Many students in high school believe that this is our time to have fun but that should not be a first priority. I realize that my hopes and dreams may not ever come true but having them is what counts. It is what helps motivate me to keep going.